Helping Young People Make Music
Tuition and Music Therapy safe in our hands

The activities of the Trust include a scheme to subsidise the cost of instrumental/vocal tuition of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds, an accreditation scheme for music teachers and a programme of concerts for music teachers and pupils. We also run regular taster sessions when anyone interested in learning to play can come along and try out a whole range of different instruments and see which they might enjoy learning most. We want to encourage people of all ages and from all backgrounds to enjoy playing an instrument and performing in front of an audience, and we will be doing numerous things to achieve these goals.
Grants for Music Tuition
If you find it difficult to afford instrumental/vocal music lessons you may qualify for a subsidy towards the cost of lessons.
Accreditation Scheme
One of our aims is to maintain and improve teaching standards and we have developed an accreditation scheme to give parents and carers confidence in the quality of tuition being provided.
Taster Days
Providing free 10-minute lessons on a variety of instruments all available at a convenient venue. Our aim is to interest young people in taking up an instrument or trying a different instrument. keyboards, electric and acoustic guitars, drums, bassoon, oboe, flute, clarinet, saxophone, cello, violin, trumpet and euphonium will all be available to try at no cost, under the supervision of qualified instrumental teachers.
We believe that pupils should be given every opportunity to showcase their musical talents to their peers, family and friends and we organise regular pupil concerts for musicians of all ages and levels of development. We also believe that pupils benefit musically from watching their instrumental/vocal teachers perform so we hold teacher concerts from time to time and encourage their pupils and parents/carers to attend. These concerts not only provide an opportunity for performance but will also enable us to raise funds to pursue our other charitable activities.
Venues for these concerts vary fromĀ schools to local Hotels in order to give students experience of performing in differing types of venues.
For more information about the work of the Trust ring
Janice on Swindon 520446